Hello strangers!
After dropping off the face of the earth for a couple weeks, I am back. Truth is - I didn't really drop off the face of the earth. I did, however, take a trip back home to Vancouver. Being that jet lag has decided to pop by and say hello at 4:30am, I figure it's as good a time as any to get you up to speed.
The story of Silvia Pezzeti and cup of tea number 23 is still coming your way. I had some reading I decided I want to do before I finish writing about that one - a book that Silvia gave to me, a book that I think is as much a part of the my conversation with her as the words that we spoke to one another.
While at home, I happened to bump into Marianela - she and I sat down for cup number 9! Marianela is the girl who collects pictures of stranger's tattoos - a daily challenge to step outside her comfort zone, talking to strangers and digging for their stories, or a photo of a tattoo at least. Since our cuppa, she has expanded what was a short term project, to one that will last a year, leaving her with quite the collection of photos, stories, and new friends too. If you are curious - www.astrangeraday.com - take a look!
Being that I was so close to Seattle, Washington - I thought I might also drive down to meet Jason Simon to have a conversation that has been brewing for almost a year now. Meeting Jason was almost like meeting a different version of myself. Only, one who lives in the North-Western United States, and has probably talked to a few more strangers than I have in his years. The tale of that little adventure is on its way as well!
In the mean time, I did a little interview with a lovely lady named Murphy Bouma - a blogger from Woolongong, Australia. Murphy blogs about her life and the things within it that inspire her. If you care to have a read, the interview jumps a little deeper into who I am, and the things in my life that lead me to sit down for tea with strangers. At very least though, swing by Murphy's blog and have a look around. Thanks Murphy - I am lucky and most humbled by your interest in 100 cups, and will let you know next time I'm in your neck of the woods! Put the kettle on!
More on the way! Come back soon!
The pleasure was all mine :)